Christoph Brauer

Software Engineer

sudo apt-get install coffee

        christoph ~ $ 

Supported OS

  • mac
  • linux
  • win
            $  brew install christoph-brauer
            $  apt-get install christoph-brauer
            $  choco install christoph-brauer

Language Experience

Technology Experience

Front End

Web Frontend Technologies
logo jinja

Mobile App Development
logo ios
logo flutter

Back End

Web Backend Technologies
logo nodejs
logo fast api
logo flask

Server Technologies
logo linux server Linux


logo github actions GitHub Actions
logo jenkins
logo terraform
logo docker
logo GitLab CICD


logo openai
logo meta ai llama LLaMA
logo unity
logo meta quest
logo unreal engine

Project Management

Agile Development
- Scrum
- Kanban

Ticket & Knowlegde
logo jira
logo notion

Personal Projects

HeroChat AI

Full Stack

Hero Chat is an iOS native chatbot app created with SwiftUI, enabling users to engage with famous personas, both real and fictional. It boasts a user-friendly interface, complete with authentication, integration with the OpenAI backend, and a selection of personas for chatting.

Backend Components:

  • Chat Logic: Built with Nest.js for iOS integration, it connects to OpenAI for response generation and handles the chat conversation.
  • Login & Authentication: RESTful API, developed using Node.js, Express, and MySQL, provides user authentication and manages user data for the chat application.

GitHub Repositoires

herochat iphone mockups

Zen Garden VR

Interaction Design

Delve into the tranquility of the Zen Garden VR Experience, a virtual reality application that offers users a serene journey through a meticulously crafted traditional Japanese house and garden. Designed and developed using Unity, this project aims to provide an oasis of calm, allowing users to pause, breathe, and immerse themselves in meditation as they explore the stunning visuals complemented by soothing sounds of nature.

Project Highlights:

  • External Assets: Leveraged high-quality, third-party assets for a true-to-life representation of a Japanese garden, including detailed 3D models of the garden, cats, and butterflies.
  • User Experience: With a keen focus on user experience, every element, from the flutter of a butterfly's wings to the rustle of leaves, was coded and designed to provide an authentic and peaceful experience.
  • Platform: Optimized for the Meta Quest, ensuring a seamless and immersive VR journey.

GitHub Repositoires

    Due to the inclusion of paid third-party assets within the project, I am unable to share the raw code publicly. However, I am open to discussing the project's design, logic, and any technical aspects in detail with interested parties.

zengarden in game screen shots

Harvard CS50's "Introduction to Artificial Intelligence with Python" Course Solutions

Applied AI

These are my repositories containing solutions and projects for the renowned CS50 Harvard Course. Taking this course was an enriching experience, allowing me to delve deep into advanced computational topics, showcasing my understanding and application of machine learning, optimization, planning, and reasoning.

Key Areas of Study:

  • Machine Learning: A deep dive into algorithms, techniques, and real-world applications of machine learning.
  • Optimization: Techniques and algorithms to find the best solution from all feasible solutions.
  • Planning: Systematic decision-making processes and their implementation.
  • Reasoning: Logically determining whether a statement is true or false.

GitHub Repositories:

cs50 solutions screenshots
cs50 solutions screenshots

Bachelor Thesis: Speech Recognition in Language Learning

Academic Engineering

My Bachelor's thesis titled, "Pronouncing the Differences - A Comparative Study of Speech Recognition Systems for Language Learning Applications", had the primary objective to comprehensively evaluate the efficacy of various speech recognition services in the context of language learning.


The research compared several leading services such as Amazon Transcribe, Google Cloud Speech, Microsoft Azure, OpenAI’s Whisper ASR, IBM Watson, and OpenAI’s Whisper Small. Evaluation metrics included accuracy, response time, and performance in language-specific datasets. Microsoft's Azure emerged as the front-runner in accuracy and speed, with Google Cloud Speech as a close contender. Despite certain challenges faced by all platforms, especially with complex words and beginner accents, the study offers pivotal findings for developers and educators in language learning technology.

University & Recognition:

  • Institution: CODE University of Applied Science, Berlin
  • Degree: Bachelor’s in Software Engineering
  • Focus: Integration of speech recognition technology in language learning applications.
cs50 solutions screenshots